Industrial vintage plywood/pagholz chairs/schoolchairs from the 1960sGrey painted frame with tapered legs The chairs are in a good and solid vintage condition with usersmarks Size: 45.5 cm seat height, total 77.5 cm high, 37 cm deep 38 cm wide
Antieke doorleefde grote houten trog/bak, antique wooden trough Decoratieve oude verweerde houten bak, met aan 1 zijde een leren handvatDeze stoere houten trog is b.v. ideaal voor het opbergen van tijdschriften/woonbladen of te gebruiken als houtbak voor je openhaardhout De maat van de trog is met handvaten 150 cm, zonder ...
Gispen 1407 industrial vintage lounge chair designed by Wim Rietveld & Andre Cordemeyer in 1954 A very beautiful sleek minimalistic industrial design This armchair has a straight back rest and a sturdy bakelite armrest. Upholstered in a light-grey back. Seat and backrest are in dark grey/blue Has been refurbished some ...
Decorative antique wooden plumbing tools Original early 1900 old wooden plumbin tools including plumbers pull through bobbin in wood, so called 'lignum vitae'often referred to as a 'dolly'. These were used by plumbers to size piping by pulling the bobbin through it. They're also used to remove dents in the soft material by placing the ...
Mooi groot oud Emaille Reclame Bord/Enamel Sign van Jager Pils De rand van dit bord is in reliëf gemaakt Email Koekelberg S.A. Brux. 1954 De randen van dit bord hebben wat roes en schade van een oud kogelschot tussen de I en de L Afmeting: 248 cm x 50 cm Code: 6p-eee
Unique old vintage korfball pole with wicker basket and iron pole This pole is still totally original with traces of red paint on the iron and with original wicker basket. The hive has some wear and tear but considering the age still very firm and almost intact. The upper part with the hive can be picked apart Size: 302 cm high and the basket ...
Prachtige litho/zeefdruk van de Abdij van Westmalle . "Abbaye de N.Dame de la trappe du S.Coeur, Westmalle (Belgique) Prov: D'Anvers"Getekend door Hub. Maucouy Anvers .Met nummering op de verschillende gebouwen en onderaan de index van de verschillende sites .Zoals de brouwerij , de kaasmakerij , de gebedsruimte , de ...
Standing vintage coat rack made of hand-bent beech wood in the style of Thonet, very beautiful and timeless design He's already black repainted in the past The crown is rotatable and ...
Set of two original antique vintage skis Very decorative for making a coat rack Size: 200 cm long en 208 cm long
Antique Dutch Frisian Carved Arm ChairA typical example of Dutch Folk Art Furniture Early 1900 Size : seatheight 45,5 cm, total high 111 cm, armrest is 70,5 cm high 59 cm wide en 44 cm deep
Original antique Gothic Art plaster wall sconce, bracket, shelf with Angel. Angel is holding a shield written 'St Antione' It is a great piece of ornamentThe original old polychrome patin gives this piece a stunning look There are 2 hooks at the back for easy hanging. Vintage condition with marks of wear and tear on the surface painting ...
Stunning and very ornate Italian 6-arm Chandelier with glass fruit drops and various shaped crystal pendalogues Bronze gilded scrolled frame in cage form with bronze floral bobeches The chandelier is decorated with crystal pendalogues with a cut star in the middle Original Murano glass leaves, colored grapes and other fruits like pears, ...
Industrial vintage metal stool. Good original and working condition Completely made of metal with rubber feet Size: seat diam 32, base diam 46 In height adjustable from 48 to 65 cm Can be shipped worldwide
Unique coffee table designed by Johannes Andersen for Silkeborg in the 1960s. Great example of mid century Danish furniture design.The uprights of the table protrude the top. The table is made from solid rosewood and is marked with the manufacturer's stamp and numberedThe table is in a very good vintage condition, few signs of ...
Vintage leather club chair by Profilia made in West Germany From the 60s. It is upholstered in soft black aniline leather Very comfortable seat, good vintage condition, minimum usersmarks ( cleaned and waxed) Size: 83 cm high, 80 cm deep, 77 cm wide. Armrest is 56 cm high
Valenti Spain dining chairs, armchairs, set of 6, 1960s-1970s Very nice classic style made of massif wood with black detail. Very decorative wheat sheaves in the backrest The seat is covered with black leather Watch the ornate armrests Under the seat you see the brand mark: Valenti, made in Spain. Good vintage condition with normal ...
Nederlandse modernistische kast/ boekenkast uit de jaren 40-50 Deze kast heeft invloeden die doen denken aan de Nederlandse beweging "De Stijl" of het functionalisme De kast komt uit een apothekers familie De kast is van geverfd hout in de kleuren gebroken wit en geel met een stalen frame van ronde buizen waar de planken op rusten Minimale ...
Vintage industrial coat rack with the 4 original black iron double hooks, 1950s. Solid wooden back panel with beveled corners and 2 mounting hooks.Size: 58 cm wide, 10.5 cm high. From the wall 12 cm Ask for shipping costs
Set of 2 original rattan shop basket from Rohe Noordwolde, the Netherlands ( attr.) These unique baksets are being hold in a black metal frame with plastic feet These retro baskets where used mostly in shops for storage and display in the 60s Size: 68 cm high en 54 cm wide Ask for shipping costs
Oude vintage retro etalage materiaal, reclame displays uit een oude winkel in kleding en lingerie uit de jaren 60 Allemaal leuke rekjes en displays, uniek reclame materiaal De buste en het lijfje van Elbrina zijn van plastic op een metalen voet De rest is allemaal van metaal of geplastificeerd metaal. De rode voetjes van één van de displays ...
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