Antiek houten pierbolspel

Antique wooden pierbol game, around 1900 - 1930
A typical and traditional Flanders folk game of skittles that was often played in a café: 9 skittles are placed on a defined field and one must knock over as many skittles as possible with half a wooden ball.
This pier ball has the shape of a hemisphere and must therefore be rotated around the cones.
9 cones are central, you have to pass the pierbol around it and then, after 1 complete round/turn, knock over as many cones as possible,
always playing past the "zot" (= tenth cone).
One of the 2 larger cones was therefore used as the 10th cone.
The pier ball is 12 cm high and has a diameter of 23 cm. The 9 cones are 30 cm high and a diameter of 3 cm and the 2 larger cones are 32 cm high and a diameter of 3 cm.
This wooden game has signs of use such as wear and tear. The bulb has old traces of woodworm (no longer active) and some cracks in the wood, see photos